Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm Late...I'm Late...For a Very Important Date!

Morning readers! Today the Eclectic Artisans Team blog ring is exploring time management. The question posed this week, was How do you find time to Create, be on an Active Street Team & have a life offline? It took some thinking, but what I realized is that I work best with a schedule. I'm talking large posterboard Super Nanny Style schedule. I use it for life in general, not just shop related tasks. I print out small copies daily so I can check stuff off. Checking off a task makes a feeling of accomplishment. I only work early morning and late night into early morning. Other than that, my laptop is open when I am in the house and whenever I pass it I check in on my Team (I am team lead), my Facebook pages, Twitter, etc. If I do this each time I pass the computer it's only 5 minutes of my time. I manage to answer convos, relist, renew, tweet etc. Whenever I get a chance. When we head out to run errands, my laptop is in the car in case we hit a hot spot. At th elibrary story time? I pop online while the kids are doing activities and listening. I'm only a step away from them and still able to work. If we hit up fast food for dinner, while they are in the play place after we all have eaten, I'm checking information.
Right now, we're headed out to school in a bit, so while everyone is locating their backpacks, shoes, hats and such I am checking in and posting things. It helps to do blog posts and write descriptions for Etsy listing at night. I save all my posts here on blogspot and just click publish when the time comes. For etsy, I do the full out listing and just save the URL and don't click FINISH. Then I put all the URLS with the title of the item in a WORD document and this way I just copy, paste and FINISH when I want to list something new. I easily am up until 330 am every day, but this is the only time I have to fully dedicate myself to where I need to be online and still manage to have all the time I need for my family. (3 kids ages 4,3,2). Read about how IndigoOrchid manages her day to day tasks!

What are you being for Halloween???!! Win a Prize!

Are you a fan of mine on Facebook yet? Become a fan and then post over on my wall about what you will be for Halloween & I will randomly choose a name to win a free pair of earrings!! You can choose Lego Earrings (red, light green, yellow, pink) or a Pair of Umbrella earrings! Head on over there now!! I will contact the winner on November 1st!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Out with the Old!

WOW! I was looking around my studio the other day and realized I have too much stuff!!!! hahaha!! That's crazy to say right?!? I know I was never going to have the time to use it all up, so why not pass it along?! My shop will have 3 large bags (Gallon sized zip locks) STUFFED full of miniatures, buttons, beads, charms, vintage toys, doll house minis.....anything you can think of that I use in my shop!! These things are bursting!! I am only offering 3, as I can't get rid of all my goodies!! haha! They will range in price from 29.00 - 100.00, grab them while you can because I will NOT be offering up bags like this again!! (It hurts too much! hahaha!!) Be on the look out for another listing in the near future of another HUGE lot of Vintage 80s Bell Charms!!!!

The last listing sold for 600.00 and featured over 150 of these fabulous charms!!! This next one should feature about 100 of them and it will have the colorful plastic necklaces too!!! Be on the look out!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Introducing Autumns Attic

I would like to take a bit of time to welcome a new section to my shop! Autumns Attic is the work of my little 4 year old girl. She has recently begun to show an interest in having her own money to buy things when we have said no to her! She loves to buy books and would love to buy lots and lots and not just 1 when we go to the store. She made the Lego Block Girl all by herself & even glued it together as well. While I measured and held the chain, she cut it. She's learning about findings and jumprings and such, but I put them on myself while she is just learning. She chose everything, including the price (9.00). When I first asked her the price of her necklace, she said 50.00! When I explained, that wouldn't exactly work out, she quickly changed her mind to 9.00. She gets so excited when I show her the little necklace she made on the computer & loves to see how many people have looked at it! Please take a moment to click if you get a chance! Thank you for taking a minute to read this! I am so proud of my little girl! Enjoy the day!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Are You On Facebook???

Become a FAN of MichellesCHarmWorld and you can check out goodies yet to come into the shop and reserve them early! You can also get exclusive FAN discounts and codes! Check it out and post yourself wearing MichellesCharmWorld jewelry and get a 3.00 gift code to use on anything in the shop!!! Stop on over and become a fan today.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

New Monthly Newsletter!

I'm starting a new monthly newsletter! In order to subscribe, just fill out your email address! So easy! I send this out Monthly and there will be sneak peeks at what's to come, exclusive member merchandise & exclusive member discounts and coupons! This information will also be available over on my sidebar there <----------.

New Goodies In Shop!!!

Remember The Little Stuff....

As we embark on the weekend, I want to remind you all to remember the little stuff, the things we tend to take for granted! Say an extra I Love You to someone that may not hear it enough, give an extra hug to your loved one that looks a little down. They are always there for us and sometimes we seem to forget that!

Friday, October 23, 2009

It's SpoOOoooOOOooooky Out There!

This weather out here in the Midwest this evening is just screaming Halloween Delight. The wind is whipping and the rain is misty. I keep waiting to hear some Owls hoot and see a bat fly by my window. Creeepy! We decided it was the perfect night to carve our pumpkins, since we are homebound due to a nasty flu that has hit our house. The kids had a blast and as we took them outside to light, it was another event in itself! The wind kept blowing out our candles and then as we got them lit, the rain would put out the flame before we could get the tops on! haha! It was a fun night, one I'm sure we will remember. When you head out this weekend readers, stay safe and remember to make memories!! Life is short, Enjoy it!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Playing Favorites....

This Thursdays blog ring is all about the favorite item in our shop! With over 200 items to choose from, this was near impossible! So many of them I fall in love with when they are completed! We are a HUGE gaming family! Not video games so much as BOARD GAMES! You know, the old fashioned kind? We even have a family game night every week and have a blast playing! There are prizes (No laundry for the winner for a week! Loser does the Dishes 2 days in a row) & Laughs all night long. We even let the kids 'play', we teach them the game and usually they just move their pieces along the board whenever they feel and roll their own set of dice. It's a great way to brign the family together in the middle of a long or stressful week. That is why I chose my Trivial Pursuit Bracelet, it took quite some time to make, but it's truly a piece that is all about me. It's a great way to make a reminder of what's to come when I'm having a particularly bad day! It has also inspired it's own line of GAME NIGHT bracelets that I am slowly expanding as time allows!

To read about favorite items with the rest of the Eclectic Artisan Team, head on over to Indigo Orchid Designs!

Monday, October 19, 2009

October, Where have you gone???

I am sitting here going through our Family Planner and wondering where on earth the rest of October has gone?! So much has been going on with School, Fall Festivities, Gymnastics and the like that I have barely had time to just enjoy Autumn (the season, not my daughter! haha). This morning I took my morning OJ (freshly squeezed!!) on the patio and wondered what keeps us rushing through our days and not taking the time to really, truly enjoy them? The leaves are falling and the air is cooling and soon we will all be cooped up inside until the first snow fall. It's sad to see this month fly by when it's one of my favorites. I'm enjoying making memories with my children and spending time as a family, it's something I loved that my parents gave me and wanted to pass on, it's something that my husband insisted we would keep up when he saw how close my parents and I are. I know I have been neglecting my shop, but you know what? It's okay. I'm loving this special time with my kids and Fall comes every year! Next year they won't be 4,3,2 so I just have to remind myself that while we are moving fast and constantly busy, we are making memories that we will all cherish for years to come. We never know what tomorrow may bring, so enjoy the day!

Sundays Feature

Sundays Feature

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Grand Opening!!!!!!

I am so proud to annouce today that our TEAM SHOP is NOW OPEN!!!
Please stop by The Eclectic Artisans Street Team Shop on Etsy and Heart your favorite items! Heart the shop or even BUY SOMETHING!!! Keep checking in as we have Grab Bags full of items from our team members arriving this weekend!! Each purchase today comes FULL of coupons for future purchases!! We have many talented artists to share with you and the creation in store are amazing!!! Stop in and Psssttt.....pass along our link to your friends!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursdays Blog Ring! WANTED in Shop!

Another Thursday is upon us and I am thinking about what to buy next for my shop! My studio is in need of more organization and I am thinking of going with a nice big dresser with ALOT of drawers! It looks pretty and holds all my clutter! I have my eye on a couple pieces, but also wouldn't mind just getting something from the Goodwill and fixing it up myself! I don't want to spend too much on it, since it will get banged around a lot with the way I work! hahah!! I'm hoping to have something by the time the Holiday Rush starts! I don't like opening multiple containers just to make a couple pieces! Having everything in one spot and hidden away could be perfect! I'll let you know when I get it!!! Want to see what AWESHOP has in mind as her next purchase? Check it out and keep reading around the ring!!

Participants in this weeks Ring:
PnkGeeni (
IndigoOrchid (
AweShop (

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday from the Eclectic Artisans!

This Wednesday will not be as wordless as usual, but it is for a very good cause. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, so the EART would like to show our support for those families that are dealing with this sickness.

Maybe you know a friend who is dealing with Breast Cancer, or a loved one, or even someone dear who has lost the battle. Most of the artists featured here are donating a portion of their proceeds to breast cancer research, so please stop by each shop and find something you like. Your donation can help find a cure!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Heart, My Love.

We always think that we couldn't possibly love more than we already do. When I was a kid I remember thinking there is no way I could love another man more than I love my daddy! Yet, when I met my husband I realized there is room to love more. My mother, my rock and my stress reliever has always been a life saver! I remember thinking that there was just no way I would meet another lady that I could love as much as I loved her and then my sweet angel Autumn was born. WOW! My heart soared, it grew so big, I was sure it would burst! I couldn't possibly have more children, there is no way I could love them all this much, it wouldn't be fair. Then my little man came along. Gabriel, was an angel in so many ways. He's perfect in every way and one of the sweetest little guys EVER! My heart just seemed to grow to fit in all this love, but that was it. 2 kids, there is no room for sure now. I love a little girl and a little boy, I couldn't possibly love more than this. Then it happened, out of nowhere my sweet baby was born 2 years after our last. He was tiny and difficult! haha! He's always in trouble and usually throwing a tantrum like he did the minute he breathed outside the womb. It happened again, my heart swelled and I swear I was now holding multiple hearts in my chest! The love I felt was amazing and sweet and just right. This baby turned 2 today. My little Roman Alexander is growing right before my eyes. Today I wanted to take a minute to wish my sunshine a Happy Birthday! Roman, your smile lights up my life, your hugs make me feel like I'm the most important person in your life and when you look up and call me Mama, I swear my eyes still fill with tears. It's been a long and bumpy road with you and I can't wait to share more! You make me a stronger person and I hope that I can do right for you. I hope that you can grow up in a world where you will always feel safe with me and that your smile will never dim. Your eyes shine with laughter when you are up to no good and it makes me laugh inside. Happy Birthday Roman, my angel, my love, my baby boy...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Hi readers!!! I know it's been awhile and I'm still here! Just trying to get my schedule out from under me!!! I do have an interesting experiment with renewing and relisting items on Etsy and I am eager to share those results with you!!! I will be doing this on Wednesdays blog post! Tomorrow I have a special post dedicated to my baby Roman who is turning 2!! I can't believe how fast these years are flying!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Packaging

Yay!!! I love packaging my items! I found some AWESOME sturdy containers that seem to fit my shop sooo much better than cardboard boxes and cotton. It's just so blahhhh!!! I use nice re-usable plastic containers (yay environment) and I put my label on the lid. My business cards are bright and funky too! It's a great way for customers to pick out my shop out of the lot! I love unique pacakging! Inside I use colored tissue paper to cradel their items. If you like looking at packaging, check out the Ecelctic Artisans Blog Ring!!
Start here at the Eclectic Artisans Blog:
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