Our Elf has arrived and is already up to all kinds of mischief! Can you believe that the Holiday Season is already upon us?! This year has truly just flown by. I plan on updating this page right here with all of Charlie's antics but if he does something extra special, I will be sure to post about it in it's own posting. Seeing as he has been with us since Thanksgiving, I have a lot of updates to do!! Follow along with us this year to see what our elf has been getting himself into!
Charlie arrived on Thanksgiving morning with a bang! He was playing around by the mantle and had brought a note from Santa and a large bag of Christmas books!! His note told us that along with these books he would be delivering one book a day for us all to read together as a family! What fun we were going to have this year.
Next he was found up high in a nook in our kitchen! Hanging out with our dear friend Mickey Mouse! Autumn had made him a necklace and a keychain for Santa, so he decided to pop the gift tag around his neck to keep the other necklace safe. Did you also notice that he snagged and ate a cookie?!
Oh Charlie! He and his friends built a slide and were having a blast all night! Getting to and from the entryway was a lot of fun the rest of the day, because we had to limbo under the slide!
Oh dear! Charlie has gotten a hold of one of Mommy's lipsticks and written a note on the mirror to the kids! Do you see him over on the shelf to the left! Silly Elf!
Pipe cleaners are all Charlie needed to make himself a swing and look out over the decorating of the tree from a plant hook! He had a blast keeping an eye on everyone there!
Late one evening we found him taking a dive from our light fixture in the dining room! What on earth was he after? Ahhh...the plate of desserts of course!
When we took a break from an evening of tree decorating, Charlie couldn't stand it! That night he put the star on himself! Solved the problem of which child would get to do it this year!
One morning Charlie trapped each child in their rooms and left a trail of crepe paper to his cozy hiding spot!
Messages from the North Pole are always received well! Charlie was found hiding in the fireplace lantern with a new message from Santa.
Day 1 of 25 Days of Family Reading Books has arrived! Charlie and Santa have sent us:
The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree.
Day 2 of 25 Days of Family Reading Books has arrived! Charlie and Santa have sent us:
When All the World Was Waiting
An Advent Book for Children
Day 3 of 25 Days of Family Reading Books has arrived! Charlie and Santa have sent us:
Just A Toy
SNOWBALL FIGHT!!! That Crazy Charlie has decided to start a snowball fight with the head nutcracker! That sneaky little elf then went and buried himself in a safe container!
After yesterday's Snowball Fight, the Nutcrackers are extracting their revenge! They have taken Charlie as their prisoner and used Bandaids none-the-less!!!