Hello dear friends, I have not forgotten, I have just been lazy in writing! I wish I could say that I have been having an all around lazy summer in which I just hung out doing nothing and that is why I didn't want to touch the blog...instead I have taken on too much over the Summer with camps, activities, clubs and so much more that I just pushed the blog aside...Now I have 24 hours of randomness that I decided to plug into a random wall and just type...
Now I really sounds like I have lost it right? Well I kind of have. I got a call involving a family emergency in Mexico and BAM, I was buying tickets to get out there within 24-48 hours, along with applying for emergency minor passport renewals, seeing a notary in case my husband has to fly with the children out of the coutnry without me and then rearranging schedules and of course finding out that last minute international tickets are in the thousands of dollars...times 5......yikes....add in emergency passports and well...my trip to Europe has just flashed before my eyes! I couldn't get out when I wanted to or even where I wanted to, I ended up having to drive 5 hours away to another state to fly out of their airport but not after packing insanely (I don't even think I have matching outfit in my suitcase) for myself and packing up 3 kids along with typing up school work information, 4H judging information for their projects (I cannot believe I am going to miss judging!!) and on and on the list went! I was a nervous wreck, I have never slept away from my husband for longer than 2 nights and my kids no longer than 1 night...it...is...rough.....We have already skyped twice and been texting all day...I miss them all and I have only been gone less than 24 hours!
You can tell that I am not used to traveling without my husband....because I have TOO MUCH STUFF!! My shoulders and back hurt and I have no one to carry them! I was tempted to buy a cane, so that I could wave down the assitance golf carts! Oh dear, I really have to re-think this mess when I pack for the return flight.
When I finally arrive in Iowa at what really seems like the world's tiniest airport (I am too used to O'hare!!), it's time to say goodbye to my husband and I don't want to let him go. I am scared and tired from carrying my bags and well, I need his support, his love, I need him. Oh how I wish we had just renewed the passports for the kids right when they expired (let this be a lesson to you all!!), and not just last month, because we were preparing for our February vacation. I clung to him and we both had tears in our eyes but it was time to move on, because that TSA line was getting pretty insane for an airport that looked like it could only hold 15 people!
A last minute flight meant I was last to board and was assigned one of the last seats, I was prepared for the worst, but pleseantly surprised to end up with an aisle seat! We took off smoothly and before I knew it the plane was landing, I only wish I had a chance to get some sleep like my seatmate! I have now arrived in Texas and the layover here is long, 10 hours long to be exact! I didn't want to feel like Tom Hanks in The Terminal, so I planned lunch with an old college friend and then found out my mother was on the same flight from Dallas into Mexico, so we were planning on meeting up for a drink in Dallas when he flight arrived....much later! I am in between meetings right now and popped into the chapel to pray for my loved one and then off to find a place ot charge my phone, tablet, computer and nook....WHAT?!?! Yup, I am far too connected to this world, I was tempted to not do it and just enjoy the peace of a book...but keep in mind Iowa was a long wait, then the flight and then waiting here in Dallas...so I have already read 2 books...uh-oh....candy crush here I come!! I did a bit of airport shopping, but nope, I think I should not do anymore and stick with electronics, at least I won't spend money! Well..on the Nook I would, but that is beside the point!
I have managed to wander into different terminals, people watch, ride the train multiple times and even check out 2 different Starbucks locations, yup, I wore the wrong shoes for a full day of walking! I am glad for all the things to do though, because it keeps my mind of the thing at hand..the reason I am on my way to Mexico, my friends please pray for my grandmother and thank you for listening to the ramblings of a crazy person!
My palace awaits and what I have learned from all of this is how important an emergency fund is and to not wait for an emergency to make you run and see loved ones. It has been 3 years since I have last been here and that is far too long. I go forth from here onto the last 6 hours of my travel day, but I know that the past 18 hours have been well worth it, I will get to see my grandma and she will get to see me. She needs to know how much I love her and need to see for myself how she is doing...Enjoy every minute my friends, because you never know when those minutes will be cut too short.
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