Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Making Memories on a HOT day!

The weather is heading over 100* this week and I have ZERO intention of being outdoors for any amount of time when that happens! We happily prepared activities for those days and cannot wait to dive in! One of them is my absolute favorite!

I bought this shrinky dinks kit at Joann and it serves a dual purpose!

1. The kids will have a blast creating it AND watching it shrink
and best of all:
2. I get a forever keepsake of their artwork!!!! Think I will make it into a charm bracelet once we are finished!
This is the outcome if you just use the pieces in the kit but you can also get creative and put them on a real chain charm bracelet along with other charms and pops of color. It's a fun project that had us all laughing and loving every minute spent together. 
Teach your children this!



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