Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Well my friends, I am still in the process of making my house a home and this darn thing called WORK keeps getting in the way! Hahaha. Who would have ever thought that I would pick THIS moment in our lives to go back to work! We are slowly but surely making things our own. We purchased a house that has sat empty since the height of shag rug was in fashion. So needless to say, even though it was move-in ready...it needed to be updated! 

My homework center is one of the first things that I wanted put up, but this room was covered in Avocado green wood paneled walls and orange shag carpeting! Oh and did I mention that this also used to be a beauty salon?! Yup, with shag carpeting! I am still in the process of putting up shelves and seeing what I want to add and where...it's a work in progress.

Backpacks and Jackets all get corralled into one place, along with shoes. We are wanting a shoe cupboard but until I find the right one, this vintage hamper does the job perfectly! More updates to come soon! What are you working on? 



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