June is here and it means so many things to us! Warmer weather, shorter school schedule, more time with friends, pools and waterparks but mainly it means:
Summer is here and so is our Bucket List!! We are so ready to get started that we almost could not narrow the list down to something manageable! You can get your own printable copy HERE!
2014 Summer Bucket List
3 Kids, 2 Parents, 1 Awesome Summer (Again!)
- Drive-In Movie
- Make Crayon Candles in the Sun
- Make Garden Mint Iced Tea brewed in the Sun
- Visit New-To-Us-Park
- Take long bike ride
- Picnic in the Park
- Go to community Movie in the Park
- Have a mud and water outdoor party
- Bike Wash
- Lemonade Stand
- Neighborhood watergun fight
- Volunteer for a charity in need as a family
- Kids plan and make 1 week of dinners
- Go to a concert in the park
- Zoo trip with friends
- Camping
- Amusement park with friends
- Build a large fort to play games in
- Rainy Day Movie Day!
- Attempt to fry an egg outdoors
- Make a smore in the sun
- Race homemade boats
- Backyard Scavenger Hunt
- Visit 1 new park
- Splashpark Play
- Waterpark Day
- Tie-dye t-shirts
- Make glow-in-the-dark garden rocks
- Make finger puppets
- Ice Cube Treasure
- Painting with Plants
- Hole Punching Leaves to make Summer Garland
- Beach Day!
- Sand Play!
- Neighborhood Smore’s Party!
- Turn Slide into waterslide and fall in a pool of water!
- Keep a summer journal
- Road Trip!
- Wear costumes in public!
- Do School Outdoors!
- Practice 5 random acts of kindness in one day
- Visit 1 new park
- Make a fairy garden
- Build an outdoor car track
- Bike obstacle course
- Have a tea party
- Make a movie
- Make Ice-Cream in a bag
- Pool Play & Learn
- Firepit Party
- Create a special drink
- Outdoor Science Lab
- Chalk-Art an entire block
- Make a wishing tree in a park
- Set up our Park Play Kits in random parks
- Visit 1 new park
- Practice 5 Random Acts of Kindness
- Take a tour of some place new
- Visit a grandparent at work
- Buy dinner for someone in a restaurant
- Install and Fill our Free Little Library
- Have a neighborhood field day
- Make a salad from all garden veggies
- Farmers market visit and dinner from the buys
- Buy unusual fruits and veggies for a sampling day
- Have a giant sleepover
- Make cards and deliver to a local nursing home
- Have a table that the kids run at a garage sale
- waterpark fun #2
- splashpark fun #2
- Try 1 new restaurant
- Buy Ice cream for the person in line behind us at the sweet shoppe!
- Make a new friend
- Have a book swap
- Create a city-wide day of play in a local park
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