Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hot Spot Helpers!

Happy Thursday! Do you have a spot in your home that is just a magnet for clutter? A hot spot for all the day's junk? Ours is the living room coffee table, it has become the place to just drop everything and go. Sometimes the junk gets so out of control I just let it sit for another day and then it looks like this. I knew I finally had to do something about it and went through my home looking for empty baskets, clutter catchers as I like to call them!
This was not a job that I wanted to buy new supplies for, I just hunted and gathered and grabbed ones that I would need for this and then promptly tucked the others away for another day. I didn't care if they matched or not, this was not something that would be left out when we had company around or even daily.
I decided a basket system is the best way to control clutter in this room! 1 basket holds office supplies and the like, 1 basket holds school books and papers related to school and the floor basket under the table holds anything else that does NOT belong in the living room. Every evening these baskets are emptied in their proper places and then brought back upstairs empty. 3 children and 3 baskets puts each child with a basket, so I can tell if someone is not putting away the stuff or just tossing it in another place. After about 2 weeks of this process, it has been working out really well and the best part? They always know where stuff is! Imagine that.
Enjoy every minute my friends!
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