Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Is it Bad...

Is it Bad.......
That all the schools are closed due to the big storm and my kids are still having class today?
That my husband has the day off, due to the storm & I still woke him up to help around the house?
That we bought and moved into this house in August and I just yesterday, unpacked the very last box?
Is it Bad.....
That I have been busy organizing our class space, that my clean laundry is piled on the floor for the 2nd day?
That I have been so busy organizing our class space, that I lost track of time & had to order pizza for dinner?
That I have been so busy organizing our class space that I didn't sleep at all on Friday night? 
Is it Bad.....
That while cleaning my bedroom I got so distracted by found wedding photos, that I stopped cleaning?
That because I have an aversion to fish, I have never  ever served it to my family?
That even though I make my children try new things, there are some things I will never try?
Is it Bad...
That I love doing Science Experiments more than my children?
That we do so much hands on learning that my cleaning schedule is discombobulated? 
That while cleaning out the playroom, even I started to play with the neat stuff I found? 
Is it Bad...
That even though the house needs a good cleaning, I have playing outside in this storm on priority?
That even though there are dishes in the sink, I served breakfast on paper plates?
That I wouldn't change it all for anything?

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