Friday, November 7, 2014

Thoughts & Musings...

Happy day, it's Friday of course! I finally bought a 2015 planner and have been keeping busy filling it in. How is it that a year can fill up without even having arrived yet? My goodness we spend too much time being busy don't we? My husband leaves for work around 5 in the morning and I try to get up with him and then enjoy my quiet time for 2 hours. I grab my favorite mug, put on the kettle and then have a seat. I catch up on my favorite blogs, organize my day and send any emails or return any.
My favorite mug is the Minnie one from this set in Disney World. While it is a completely ordinary mug, it was a time that I broke down in tears while on vacation and my husband even shed a few tears as we sat on the floor in Epcot. Why? Well we were on vacation for our 10 year anniversary, as we were married in Disney World 10 years ago. We were having an absolute blast and had just finished shopping for our youngest's birthday, he turned 7 in Disney World. Our older kids asked if they could wander the store alone for 15 minutes. They were armed with a cellphone and told to stick together and away they went. As we stepped out of the shop, the kids shoved a bag in our hands and said "happy anniversary." Yup, that did me in, they had spend their own money that they have taken a full year to collect and bought US something. They saw them in someones basket as we were all together, which is why they asked to leave apart from us. They ran up to that person and asked where they got them from, but when they got in line it was huge, so they told everyone that they were trying to buy a present for their parents for their anniversary but it was time to meet us at the front of the shop and they didn't want to get in trouble. Everyone let them ahead of them and complimented them on how sweet they were. Well that story made me sob even more and that is when my husband lost it. We wiped our tears and had a group hug right there in the middle of Epcot, on the ground, in the boiling sun. As I think about that story again, I am once again tearing up. My kids, so sweet, so kind and so amazing. We must be doing something right, right?
There are a few places I can get lost in during the quiet of the morning and if you get a chance, pop over and pay them a visit!
TwoBirdsBoutique are gals that you wish you could hang out with daily!
The Goodwillista always makes me wish I could find such cute clothes!
The Zen Spot is a great place to check out learning freebies online!
The Ewenique Boutique has me oohing and aahing over the babies and cute stuff!
Butterfly Blue Rosaries & Gifts is a place where I like to check out her creativity!
Phyllis at All Things Beautiful has an awesome homeschool going on over there!
That's if for my Follow Friday this week! Who do you enjoy following? Let me know in the comments, I love checking out new people!
Remember to enjoy every minute my friends!
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