Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Take Out Tuesday

It's Tuesday and today I am just going to take some time out of my scheduled blog posts and just ramble on about a mish mash of things! Our co-op took a field trip to a working fire station yesterday and I have never met a more personable group of people. They were AWESOME with the kids and really put together a great trip for us. What a blessing that we get to take these trips and enjoy them as we do with friends both new and old! It was definitely a fun Monday and as most homeschoolers do, we ended the day at the library! It was funny listening to all the families as they were packing up to leave and hearing how many were headed to the library, with 12+ branches between us all, we were all headed in different directions but still with the same goal in mind...books truly do open up another world.
My craft in a minute involves upcycling containers! Many do not have labels that can be peeled off or have labels that are just too stubborn to come off. I don't have time to soak them (when is the sink empty enough to do that?) nor do I have time to peel them little by little. We make it a fun project and let the kids go wild with collage photos from old maps, magazines and travel guides. They use those and packing tape and voila! a new container is born!
A way to keep my kids helping me upcycle, I keep this cup hanging right above our recycling bin and they know to throw in pop tabs (Ronald McDonald House), Batteries (Ronald McDonald House) and caps of all kinds (upcycling). This helps me keep it all contained until we need to deliver them somewhere or use them! Rod & Cup are both from Ikea!
A sneak peak at an upcoming blog post this week! Cardboard creations are so easy to make, store flat and are great for hours of fun...oh wait and they are free too!
Yesterday was a fantastic mail day as our Disney Cruise package arrived AND the Spectrum workbooks I will be reviewing for this blog! Check out all their goodies HERE and be sure to like their Facebook page HERE! I love their workbooks and have used them in the past to prepare my children for testing and to evaluate if they are at the level where they should be, before I pay for their state testing to be done. I look forward to diving right in with these and passing along my honest opinion of them in the near future!
Remember my friends that every day is a gift and to take time to enjoy each and every minute! Good things are just around the corner!
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