Hello out there in this little corner of the web! I can't believe how long has gone since I was last here blogging about everything, I don't even know if I remember how to do this.
We are still happily home schooling and my oldest is a Sophomore!? Where does the time go, seriously! We are still using Seton as our curriculum but are now incredibly active in the 4-H, Volunteering in our community and seeing the world! Our next venture is to hit the road in our travel trailer and see the country from a different perspective, all while continuing to home school of course!
For the time being the trailer will only be for seasonal living 4-5 months out of the year. It will definitely be a new adventure, but the long term goal is of course to go full time at some point.
I am hoping to turn this in to a 4-H blog of some sort, showcasing our adventures as husband and wife volunteer leaders, what out children go through as members and as officers. It's a snippet of our life that is quite important to us, so I am thinking that is where this blog is headed. This blog has been through many lives as it has held and seen what has been important to me at different times in my life and even though each story should be a different blog, I like keeping it all in one place. I am still figuring it all out, so we will see if it will be a weekly blog, monthly or maybe later it can be a daily again! Let me get in to the groove of our school year starting this year and then we will see!

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