Friday, August 10, 2012

Simple Fun!

Want to see children have fun for hours and get their creativity juices flowing??? Hand them a roll of tickets! These cost me .49 at the thrift but you can get a similar roll for 5.00 at party stores and mini strips even at the dollar store!! Hand them over and let them GO!!!
They put special stamps on each ticket and this alone took an hour. They were so careful not to tear them yet and then even attempted to roll them up!!!

The puppet theatre became the box office to buy your tickets to their play! They are having so much fun that I know we will keep tickets on hand all the time!!


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Jr. Explorers!

Want to stay close to home but have fun? EXPLORE your backyard! Set up your little explorers with a 'home base*' stocked with:
bottled water
magnifying glasses
bug catching cups
butterfly nets
Walkie Talkies
A Camera
Small shovels
Collection Trays

and then let them loose on your yard! You will be amazed at what they find!!
*Our home base is just a small folding plastic card table that I can put away in the garage when not in use!*

My kids love to examine things and always have magnifying glasses at the ready! We have nice big ones that we keep indoors in the Science Lab but whenever I see cheap-o ones on sale or clearance, I always pick them up for the outdoors, their zoo packs etc. If these get broken or misplaced or even given to a friend, it's no big deal!

My youngest found and photographed an ant. The lesson he learned? WOW, they run fast! He had over 10 pictures on the memory card which just had the trampoline spring protector in them, because the ant got ahead of him!

The kids and their walkie talkies made me laugh! They would call one or the other over and when they got next to one another, they would continue to talk on them!

Exploring the garden turned into a harvesting trip! There were cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and strawberries ready to eat!

A little egg in a nest was spotted on a low hanging branch, I wonder what the future holds for this one!
Remember that fun is as close as your backyard! No need to spend money, just give the kids a little nudge and they will be entertained for hours! This simple water bottle with the bottom cut off + a small dish of soap and water bubble mixture offered so much entertainment, the neighbor littles came over to play too!


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nearly Wordless Wednesday...With Linky!!!

A fun breakfast puts everyone in a good mood!

Spending all morning and having lunch at the Splash Pad makes a wonderful day!

Farmer's Markets are my addiction!

Link up your posts today!! If you link up, please follow my blog so that I can follow you back! 


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tuesday's Tiny Talker...AUTUMN

Welcome everyone to my newest weekly event at my blog! Tuesday's Tiny Talker is when I hand the camera and the computer over to one of my children. They will document what their favorite part of the day was or what they did, drew, anything at all! This is all about getting my children involved in my blog and not just being the subjects of it! It also encourages their writing and learning skills as they spell and type with the best of them! This week your host is Autumn, my oldest, my Princess, my 7 year old!
Hi, I am Autumn. Today is SCIENCE DAY with Mommy and my cousin from Mexico, Andrea. Mom made us a science lab outside and we mixed up stuff and made things explode and change colors.
We made tons of different colors at night time using the tea that mom drinks. We let it sit out all night to get all the colors we needed and then poured it into different water bottles.
My brothers just liked mixing up the colors but I liked making potions and perfumes. 
Mom always saves containers when she can but we got a lot at a huge science store by nana and grandpa's house. I love to go there the most.
This is my perfume I made from an empty science store bottle. My cousin and mom even say it smells really good. I put in mint leaves from the garden and raspberry tea mixed with a little other secret things.
I even got to make dessert today. It's chocolate pudding with fruit and sprinkles. Everyone liked it and wanted to eat more and more. This was a great day.
Mommy is back! Thanks for reading our post, my middle child will be doing next weeks post! If you have any questions about what else was in our Science Lab, check out the post I did here on my FACEBOOK PAGE! Are you a fan over there yet? Head on over and LIKE my page please! I post a lot more regularly there with even the smallest things that we have going on!


Monday, August 6, 2012


A Warning about the future of my blog/page!

As my Littles get to be not-so-little & I lose my baby to all day kindergarten this year, my blog will be growing with them.

I will not have as many posts geared toward the younger set but more 
towards the school age group:

Homework Helpers, Home Organization, Love for Learning, Experiments that tend to be more for older kids and the like.

I will occasionally post things from the archives when it gets busy and crazy but I will try to keep it all fresh and new daily.

My children are going into 3rd grade, 1st Grade and Kindergarten.
If you are interested I am also embarking on a transformation of myself. I plan to shed 50 pounds this school year and get into a permanent lifestyle and fitness change.

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