Thursday, June 18, 2009

La Joyeux de Vivre

I want to start living my life to the fullest. Sometimes I find myself succumbing to the gloominess of the day, or when one of my children starts getting cranky, I seem to allow myself to get that way too. I'm the kind of gal that sees everything half empty, it's just the way I have always been. I was driving around town running errands when I turned out of the bank parking lot. I was behind this lady on a scooter. She had to easily be in her 80s and she was on a SCOOTER!! From her floral scarf on her head, down to her white Dr. Scholls shoes, everything said granny. Then I just saw her face as I pulled to a stop light next to her. She was so free and happy. I found myself following her! I just knew I had to say something to her. She parked her scooter at Wal Mart and I smiled and waved as she got off, her smile was one that lit up a room. I wanted that feeling of happiness all the time, that freedom, that fabulousness. I knew that I alone am the person that turns my day into what it ends up being. I can choose to let the bad stuff get me down OR work at making it a positive experience. I knew it was time to make a change. I'm not going to start singing on hills or anything, but I just may be smiling a bit more :) Don't Sweat The Small Stuff. Ahhh...words to live by....


Amanda Fall - Sprout editor said...

Amen! This is a great post and something I hope to remember more often. I've been working on being grateful for EVERYTHING--every little blessing that fills each day. Seems like, the more I acknowledge, the more my days are filled with happiness.

Jenn said...

A wonderful post and so timely for me - I agree, that I need to just let go and concentrate more on the positive and leave the negative behind. It is easier said then done, BUT through prayer and practice, it WILL get done :)

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