Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Box Top Check In

So far so good! I will start posting this weekly, if I have a drastic change, like I did last week! Thank you so much to everyone that helped me out! Our family did our shopping last week by following the list of items with box tops on them! It was wonderful getting coupons from the site and spending the same if not less than we would have using our regular brands!
We had 20box tops alone on our own!

My parents got involved (anything to help out their grandkids!!) and had 15 for us ready to go when we stopped in and then I had 10 mailed to me by 2 different people! That's FANTASTIC! I truly appreciate all you do to help us out!

To show my appreciation, I have pledged to donate in cash to the school the same amount of box tops collected by the kind people of the blogosphere! With 45 collected in the past week, I rounded up and donated 5.00 to the school! Let's get rolling!! Remember, every little bit helps!


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