Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pretzel Party!

Homeschooling has been a definite adventure and we learn about one another more and more each day. I don't want my homeschool to be school at home. I want it to be so much more. I keep reminding myself that we are only limited by ourselves, so when I came across this quote, I knew it was perfect for our classroom!
In Math, my youngest is learning measurements and I thought it was the perfect time to do a group project. Making Pretzels became a lesson in Math, Measurements, Teamwork, Baking, Reading, Following Direction and so much more! 
At first the kids tried to each be the boss and realized that it wasn't working, as they slowed down and began to work it out together, they realized how much they could accomplish.
They were so simple to make and we had all the ingredients on hand! My husband thought they needed more of an egg wash and possibly left in longer than the suggested 15 minutes and we also figured that we will try many different toppings instead of salt next time and stick with simple pretzel sticks, so that the dough stretches out more.
My children & husband GOBBLED these up within MINUTES of coming out of the oven and all promptly declared that we must always make our own pretzels! Enjoy your day my friends!! (Photo taken at the St. Louis Zoo)

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