Saturday, May 10, 2014

Water Fun!

The warm weather is here and the kids are eager to play in the water! I had a few projects ready to roll! First is our Garden and it needs a lot of watering! The kids love to water, but often fight over the hose or the can. This plan has them each with their own watering can that they made and decorating themselves! I saved 3 milk jugs and washed them out, after that we headed outdoors with a hammer and nail. They each hammered holes using the nail into the top of the cap while it was screwed on.
*NOTE: Bubble station info can be found HERE & HERE!*

Before they each decorated their own, they had to test it out! How fun! Each child also has their own container garden, while the raised bed is the family garden.

My THRIFTY SANDBOX POST has seen a lot of action with the warmer weather and today I wanted to share one of the other versions it has been adapted to! We use it as a water table as well. My children are too big for the toddler tables but still love to play, this allows my kids and a few neighbor kids to all have fun at the same time. What toys do we use at the water table? Recyclables of course! They can all be thrown away when broken and they are of course always readily available. When using as a water table, we store the sand in a rubbermaid bin in the garage, other bins hold dirt for mud play and miscellaneous stuff like shaving cream and the like, in the winter we leave it outside to fill with snow on a day when it's falling strong and have indoor snow play! This is always a fun way to make 1 bin do so many jobs and the cover allows it to stay clean at all times!
Have a great Mother's Day my friends and remember to enjoy every minute.

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