Thursday, May 7, 2009

What a Great Week....

I would just like to say a great big thank you to those of you that kept us in your prayers when I asked. The power of prayer and good thoughts truly goes a long way. My husband has been laid off for a VERY long time. To the point where worry was beginning to set in and I truly didn't know if it was time to just give up. I entered a deep depression that just had me barely getting by in my head, but on the outside I had to shine on and keep on going for the sake of my 3 angels. My husband went out every morning at the same time as though he was leaving for work and came home at his same evening time. Only instead of going to work, he was looking for it. He was getting no hits time and time again and it was getting awful. We tried hard to stay positive, but it was really eating away at us. Just when we needed my shop the most, I didn't want to go on with it. You can tell how sporadic my blog posts were and how I was just not really trying too hard. I am proud to say that my husband landed a job this week and he starts tomorrow. I would like to thank all of you so much for the goodness you sent our way. I did not post this before, because I did not want pity sales and i'm not a fan of woe-is-me posts, so I internalized it. I finally posted when I was truly at the bottom of my well and you all helped so much. Thank you and may God bless you all in return.


sassypackrat said...

So sorry to hear how bad it got for you. I'm very happy to hear that your husband was lucky enough to find a new job! It's really rough out there! I would have kept you in my prayers if I had known. Best wishes for more joy & good fortune in your lives!

missknits said...

wow i am so sorry to hear all that! i dont know how you did it, but you are a strong woman! and i am soooo glad to hear your hubby found a new job! congrats and cheers to him! i hope its one he enjoys and lasts for a very long long time!

Authoritaters said...

I'll say this the New Zealand or Kiwi way:

"Good on ya mate!"

To you and your husband!

Typing Princess said...

I'm so happy for you and your family. Sometimes there's nothing tougher than having to grin and bear it. Congratulations on making it through such a tough time in such a classy manner!

OurWanderingAdventures said...

Thank you so much everyone! I can't even sleep i'm so nervous for him :) I just made his lunch and now i'm wondering what to make for his breakfast! haha!

PussDaddy said...

I am glad your husband found a job. I hope things get better for you.


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