Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Craft Show Tips Part 3

finally! I get back to my series on craft shows!! I just wanted to add a bit more to my tips! 1 thing that is a DEFINITE must-have is a money apron. My money is on me at ALL times and I don't have to worry about it walking away! I also keep a jar under the table of loose change, sometimes it gets too heavy to keep in the apron! I arrive at the show with 100.00 in change (anything under 20's works for me). (My apron is from SewInLove on Etsy and all her aprons are on sale right now! It's very sturdy and has gotten me through many craft shows already!

I ALWAYS have my 'emergency' kit as well! It's a toolbox filled with all my random goodies, pens, reciept pads, my shop lables and stamp, jewelry tools, jump rings, duct tape, masking tape, price tags, zip ties, hammer, rope, nails...that sort of thing! I always keep everything and anything in here. Even change for a 20.00 if for some reason, I forgot to get change. I also set up a work table as well with my laptop & my shop pulled up. This way people can browse my shop as well as purchase from there as well! I call ahead of time to find out if there is wi-fi or if it will be available. I do all research possible on show locations! This way I can also accept credit card payments and Paypal payments too since I have my laptop fired up!

I will add more as I upload photos from other shows! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! I will go into detail on anything!


Bianca said...

great tip! the apron is adorable. i love how everything matches!

Authoritaters said...

wow, never thought that there's so many little details to take note of before! wi-fi eh? hehe.

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