Thursday, November 19, 2009

Once Upon a Time....

How did the madness start?! It's been a crazy hectic week and it has me thinking GAHHH!!! Why on earth am I running this business that is getting so busy, all while running a household?? The answer is easy: I love it. This was not my 'easy money' idea (FAR FROM IT!!), it was a business born of Love. I've always enjoyed being different. In grade school, I had mismatched earrings and overly puffy dresses. I wasn't confidant enough to pull off the look, but I was working on it. By High School, I was the girl in High Heels (Funky ones at that) and bright day-glo tights or even sparkly ones too! haha! I loved standing out in a crowd. I have a loud obnoxious laugh and at 4ft10, can still manage to hold my own. I guess that's how it all started. There was just never the RIGHT accessories to go with everything I loved to wear on my non-uniform weekend days! I hated seeing the same things on shelves everywhere I went. I started buying pieces here and some there and then tearing them apart and making them into something else completely. My Dad then introduced me to Craft Stores!!! Instead of using the findings and pieces from the parts I bought, I could also add in beads and charms and whatever else I could get my hands on. It was my first true love (sorry honey!). Seeing my own creations on myself was fantastic, eventually people would ask about them and by College I was selling pieces here and there from my Dorm! I couldn't believe it! The online part came much much later, but it was a fun beginning. I still remember my first pair of plastic purple & poink mismatched earrings! One was a heart and one was a star with those clear jelly like backings. You don't even want to know how many kids asked me if I knew they were mismatched. To be young again!

Want to learn about the rest of the Eclectic Artisans? Check out IndigoOrchids blog next: (


sassypackrat said...

Michelle, you are wonderfully unique!

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