Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Scrabble Day!

Today is Scrabble Day
April 13th, 2012
The official game of rainy days spent stuck in the hotel during a beach vacation, Scrabble is sold in 121 countries, with 29 different language versions. The highest recorded single word score was 365 points for quixotry. Coincidentally, quixotry is a word that describes Don Quixote-like impractical quests, like the one you'd be on if you ever tried to beat that score.

We love to use games in so many ways, not just the way they were intended for. This allows us so much more creativity. Scrabble is more difficult for my younger two still, so we make it easier. Add in sight word cards and it allows everyone to join in. The older people play as normal and then the younger guys pull a car, find the tiles they need from a tile bowl and put them on the card to match them up. NEXT, they find a spot to put their word. The scoring remains the same and it becomes a game that everyone can play. For our version, we use  the Scrabble Tiles from 3 games, this way the little ones can always find what they need out of 2 games worth of tiles and the older people use 1 set and pull 5 blindly as required.



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