Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Learning, Living and Loving!

Where have I been??? I apologize for just leaving you all hanging. It has been a crazy past week with the Holiday and then throwing ourselves into a new week. We have friends on Spring Break and are still trying to balance school. It's difficult but we are making it work. I hope you all had a Happy Easter and are getting into the new week just fine. 
We love making volcanoes for fun but when we can combine them into a Science Unit, it's even BETTER! I used our old standby Volcano Recipe and Plan but this time as we created it, we discussed all the levels of the volcano and how they are formed. Before we even got around to exploding it, we were already 1 hour in. Another AWESOME activity where the kids don't even know they are working! 
A quick Google search led me to several Volcano worksheets perfect for testing. I found one that would work best for us and printed it out. Homeschooling is made so much easier with the internet so handy! I love what I do and the best part is, is that the kids do too! Find this worksheet HERE!

Sight Words is the name of the games on a daily basis for us. Let me tell you that I try a different game each day and we always have so much fun that even I forget that I am supposed to be teaching. I love inviting the big kids to play, because even though they know how to read they encourage their little brother so much!
If there is one addiction I have, it's to books. I love to read, devour and soak in books. I cannot help it but it truly is my life. I hope to pass this love onto my children and that is what keeps me always buying books. These are the latest to join our collection, courtesy of Easter! In total they got over 10 books for Easter and it really seems as though all of our friends and family know us well!
Easter had us spending time with family and friends. Even though it did not go as planned, it was still a lot of fun. We had an absolute blast at Brunch and then a couple egg hunts and so much more. I think I have more fun on the Holidays when the stress level is low, than my children do. How about you?
My Easter Purse was full of so many goodies that I fell in love with the Easter Bunny! Shh, don't tell my husband! My floral bag was full of a gorgeous set of wood wind chimes for our screen porch, books, a gift card to Starbucks and this awesome reusable Starbucks mug! Add in some Godiva chocolates and a bottle of my favorite wine and well....I will be in heaven for a long long time!

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