Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Crafty Kids Love London

Today we decided to take snack a bit early and have our art class while I read The London Eye Mystery to the kids. This book is absolutely wonderful and as we are huge London lovers, I decided the kids would work on a Christmas craft while I was reading.
My kids always love being read to and I find that during the course of a busy day when they get a bit too wild or cannot focus on the tasks at hand, then it's time for a book! They are eagers to listen and sometimes only 1 child will do the craft while the others lounge and listen and sometimes they all will listen or all will craft. There are no rules, you just do what feels best at that moment.
Today's craft requires peg style clothespins, black and red sharpie markers, glue and black pom poms in a medium size (not pictured). Have the 'legs' of the clothespins colored black and then the top will be red with black buttons, add on any type of facial expression and then glue the pom pom to the top of the peg...do you know what they are yet?
The pom pons should be a bit bigger than the top of the peg, so that they look big and fluffy. Do you know what they are yet?
How adorable are these little Palace Guards?! We love them and even after Christmas, they will have a place in our home! Standing alone in a tree makes them adorable ornaments and they can just slide on the branches.
Wooden stands fit their peg feet perfectly and now they can be used anywhere else! My kids want to paint a castle for them to guard and a Queen and so many other goodies. I love that they enjoy getting crafty! We were debating on what color to paint the stands.
We went with black to match the legs! We will need to use a thin paint brush and black paint to get in between the legs, since the sharpie did not fit.
Enjoy every minute my friends!!!
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