Monday, September 19, 2011

1st Day of Pre-K

Today, my little guy (my youngest, my baby) started pre-k and my heart shattered. I was a mess through 

breakfast, while shopping and then later at Starbucks. I honed my Ninja skills when I arrived 30 minutes 

before he was let out and ducked, bobbed and weaved and peeked through the windows to see how he was 

doing. I was never spotted by him and my heart broke a little more seeing that he was doing just fine. He did 

great and had an absolute blast. When he ran out and into my arms he asked:

"Can I come again tomorrow???"
 I we have to????

His big brother and sister were the first to be dropped off and they were being silly all morning to keep his spirits up and nerves at bay! Little did we all know, the only one that needed her spirits lifted was Mommy!!

He fit right in and took off without a problem! They had one of his favorite books in the center of the morning carpet that he was off into book land before I had a chance to snag my 5th hug!!



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