Friday, September 16, 2011

The Weekend...

From my family to yours, we would like to wish you a happy weekend! Stay safe and have fun. We have a lot going on once again. Sometimes I wish we could just have a 'down time' weekend where we have absolutely nothing going on and no one to entertain, but we haven't seen one of those in a LOOOOOONG time. How do you feel about your weekends? Would you rather be super busy and occupied or more relaxed and doing things as you think of them?

This is the first weekend in a long time (if ever), that I am wishing to just skip the weekend and fast forward to Monday with no memory at all of the past days. This Saturday is my 20 miler, where I will attempt to set a nice pace and see if I can get 20 miles done in a decent amount of time. If you see this on Saturday or before, please send up a little prayer and some of your strength for me! I definitely need it. I will also be breaking in a new pair of shoes, which should be interesting. My 2 new pairs have reached the end of their lifespan in training and these new ones above are what I plan to have marathon day.

Lately on my runs, I am getting back into my head and driving myself crazy. The marathon is less than a month away and I now completely terrified. I'm terrified that I did all this for nothing and am going to fail. My brain keeps telling me to quit and my shin splints are so bad that even last weekend on my 12 mile run, I was in tears. I don't want to make excuses and all I want to do is FINISH PROUD. I want to be proud of what I have accomplished and show my kids that ANYTHING they set their mind to CAN be done. I am determined to finish this, no matter how long it takes. I just need to get the positive into my head and get rid of all of that negativity that is just swimming in my brain the minute my feet hit the pavement!



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