Wednesday, February 8, 2012

7 days of Love...

I LOVE YOU is a phrase heard often in our house, we all say it to each other as much as possible. This is a house oozing with love, but sometimes I find myself taking a lot for granted. My husband works hard and long hours, it's easy to get annoyed or frustrated when I am overwhelmed with housework and homework and want to take it out on him, but I know that he is excellent at what he does and wants to take care of his family. (Private school tuition for 3 isn't cheap!) While my husband knows that I love him, I wanted to show it more in my actions & decided to do 7 Days of Love leading up to Valentine's Day. On these days I will do little things that may not seem like much, but actually do add. I'm hoping to turn it into a habit that will continue to go on long after these 7 days have passed. 
Day 1 was going to be a batch of fresh baked cookies, but I didn't have any flour on hand after a week of bread baking frenzy! I made up some chocolate colored strawberries instead and nestled one in a bed of fresh berries. A sweet treat for my sweetie when he got home at 2 this morning, I also added a love note to let him know exactly how much I love, admire and respect him.
What are you doing for your significant other?



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