Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Menu Plan Monday...errr Tuesday!

Hello friends! I must apologize for my absence, it seems as though this will be happening more often though. I am incredibly swamped with school stuff as I seem to practically live there now! Add in the normal errands I must run and a car that has been in the shop more than I care to admit (my poor wallet!) and a Doctor appointment that lasted all morning long...well it's been a mess! Hence the garbage can photo! (Even though I did buy this garbage can! LOL)

Monday: Meatball Sandwiches and Side Salads
Tuesday: Chicken and Shells Soup with grilled cheese sandwiches
Wednesday: Angel Hair Pasta with homemade pesto and garlic bread
Thursday: Taco Bar served with rice & beans
Friday: Cheese Quesadillas and Vegetable Soup
Saturday: OUT TO DINNER! We are filling up 1 table full of fun, fearless family members at our School Bingo Hall that we have all decided to eat out first!
Sunday: OUT TO DINER! Going to visit my grandfather, so we will be hours away from home!

My husband seemed to sense something amiss lately and all last week I woke up to find a beautiful hyacinth plant on the coffee table. Every morning they would multiply...what a wonderful treat! I now have 4 colorful plants that make me smile when I look at them!



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