Monday, March 12, 2012

Menu Plan Monday!

Lent has us eating more Sushi for meatless Wednesdays & Fridays!
Is it mid-march already?! Goodness, I honestly believe that I must be sleeping months away, because I do not know where the time goes! With a super busy and activity filled week ahead of us, I know that I have to keep the meals simple so a lot of thought went in to prep and cook time for me!

Putting the dressing at the bottom of every cup means no dripping dressing!
Monday: Brats & Grilled Veggies (The weather is too nice to not have the grill going!)
Tuesday: Grilled Chicken Salad & Fresh baked rolls
Wednesday: Cheese Pizza & Veggie Platter 
Thursday: Pork Chops and Steamed Green Beans
Friday: Egg Salad Sandwiches on fresh baked bread and a garden salad
Saturday: We are helping at the school book fair all day, so it will be a day of eating on the go!
Sunday: Mom comes home from vacation, so we will be welcoming her back!

At the end of my evening as I tidy over the last bits of mess in the house, I begin to make lunches for the next day. This is one of my favorite parts of the day as it allows me to pack their lunches with care and without rushing. I can write notes, create fun shaped cheeses and make it as delicious and healthy as possible.

Washing, Chopping and Storing all my fruits and veggies ahead of time always allows me to have a fresh snack when I get hungry. Instead of grabbing a super easy cookie, I can grab a bowl of fruit or a container of veggies just as easily.



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