Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Heart, My Love.

We always think that we couldn't possibly love more than we already do. When I was a kid I remember thinking there is no way I could love another man more than I love my daddy! Yet, when I met my husband I realized there is room to love more. My mother, my rock and my stress reliever has always been a life saver! I remember thinking that there was just no way I would meet another lady that I could love as much as I loved her and then my sweet angel Autumn was born. WOW! My heart soared, it grew so big, I was sure it would burst! I couldn't possibly have more children, there is no way I could love them all this much, it wouldn't be fair. Then my little man came along. Gabriel, was an angel in so many ways. He's perfect in every way and one of the sweetest little guys EVER! My heart just seemed to grow to fit in all this love, but that was it. 2 kids, there is no room for sure now. I love a little girl and a little boy, I couldn't possibly love more than this. Then it happened, out of nowhere my sweet baby was born 2 years after our last. He was tiny and difficult! haha! He's always in trouble and usually throwing a tantrum like he did the minute he breathed outside the womb. It happened again, my heart swelled and I swear I was now holding multiple hearts in my chest! The love I felt was amazing and sweet and just right. This baby turned 2 today. My little Roman Alexander is growing right before my eyes. Today I wanted to take a minute to wish my sunshine a Happy Birthday! Roman, your smile lights up my life, your hugs make me feel like I'm the most important person in your life and when you look up and call me Mama, I swear my eyes still fill with tears. It's been a long and bumpy road with you and I can't wait to share more! You make me a stronger person and I hope that I can do right for you. I hope that you can grow up in a world where you will always feel safe with me and that your smile will never dim. Your eyes shine with laughter when you are up to no good and it makes me laugh inside. Happy Birthday Roman, my angel, my love, my baby boy...


sassypackrat said...

He is such an adorable little guy!

pnkgeeni said...

Happy Birthday!
I remember reading a quote once: "To be a Mother, you must live every day with your heart walking outside your body"

Rebecca said...

Aww Michelle he is beautiful! Happy Birthday Roman!

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