Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Signs of Summer, the Days of Ice Cream Treats...

This cold weather in the Midwest has me thinking of Summer and the nice weather to come! I'm sitting here drinking my hot Tazo Passion Tea, in leggings and a sweater thinking of the things that remind me of warmer weather in the Sweets Department! My first sign of summer is definately the paleta man! I looove hearing those charming little bells when I am downtown and almost always try and find where they are coming from to purchase some fantastica popsicles that seem to taste best when purchased directly from the cart. It's a reminder of those long gone days of summer vacation while sitting on the front porch of my grandmothers house with my cousins, waiting for the tinkling to begin. He would get closer and closer until he was right on the sidewalk in front of us! We would have our shiny quarters ready (.50 a popsicle) to purchase our treats! Limon was always my favorite (lime) and still is! It's sweet, tart and oh so sour sometimes. I've been known to try Chocolate and once even a strawberry (a wasted .50 that day), but Lime is always my go-to flavor. Just hearing those bells sends me back to my long haired, pigtailed days of summer. Oh how I want to go back in time sometimes. Next, was definately those Sunday after Mass drives into the City to Taylor Street in Little Italy for a visit to the 'only open in the summer months' Italian Ice Stand known as Mario's.. This little piece of heaven dishes up the most FABULOUS Italian Ice EVER! It's sweet, it's delicious, it's PERFECT! The lines are ALWAYs long, but in the end it's worth it! Don't ever make the mistake of getting on that is too small, because you will want MORE. I can't wait to bring my kids this year, it's a place my father used to go to when he was younger, so of course I want to keep it going with my little ones! I always get Grape or Lemon. I never try anything else! haha! The menu is VAST and I would love to try something else, I just fear that I will wait all that time, get something new and HATE it. Maybe I will get 5 or 6 small cups to sample! haha! They are open until Midnight until September and open up this month some time!

Finally, I sit here creating in my studio as my children color next to me. How quickly time flies. I was once a young girl wanting to be so much older and now I am a mother of 3 wishing I was a kid again! My kids and I go for Ice Cream at least once a week. It's our special outing together. WE sometimes invite friends, grandpa or even Daddy if he has not been called into work. It's a time when we chat about our week, discuss what to do next week and I always tell a story of getting treats when I was younger. I will always treasure these moments as they get older and hope we can still keep our Sweet Dates! I was inspired by these moments to make the earrings above. They are colorful and light and fun. The Ice Cream Cone Earrings come in 3 differen flavors and on your choice of silver or gold tone ear wires. This week I am running a special for Blog Readers until SUNDAY MAY 16th. Buy one pair of earrings in the flavor of your choice and get a second pair free!! Use the code: BLOGICE.

Your Turn! Share your favorite signs of Summer!


Pupster and Sharster said...


when my car seat starts to burn my bare thighs, when my steering wheel gets too hot to be handled - only if i've forgotten to put up that good-old silver reflective screen to keep my parked car cool.

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