Thursday, December 1, 2011

25 Days of December Delights!

HAPPY DECEMBER! Can you believe that it's the end of the year already? I could have sworn that I was just writing about Back To School Insanity! I have decided to attempt to do 25 days of crafts with my little ones. Ideally I will post them all in a row, but just in case I have 6 more days in the month after the 25th! HAHA! Care to join me? Link me to your Blog Post in the comments and I will post your button in this post and a link to your crafty goodness.

We are all about counting down in this house! Tonight, we start this AWESOME countdown idea from Honey Bee Books AND Charlie, our Elf on the Shelf, brought this great countdown ornament for the kids! 

We have a regular Advent Calendar too! Sneak Charlie got his hands on it and emptied it all out! Countdown Calendars, Clocks, Books etc. are all GREAT ways for little ones to get counting without knowing it and especially counting backwards! Now, on to today's craft!
We are making a SNOW themed Eye-Spy Bag for our Quiet Binder! This little pouch is SO fun and SO easy to make that you will want to do one STRAIGHT AWAY! 
You Will Need:

2 sheet protectors, Strong Packing Tape (The generic kind peels too easily and loses it's stick!), Fake Snow 

(MAKE IT CHRISTMAS brand from Hobby Lobby for 2.49) and an assortment of charms that you want 

them to find.
Once you get your assortment of charms that you plan on putting in there (I used 15 pieces), type them up on 

1 sheet of cardstock and slip them in to one of the sheet protectors. (This way, the children can cross off what 

they have found and it can be erased over and over again!).

Next, pop in the entire bag of snow into the 2nd sheet protector and add in the charms.

Now take your tape and tape up the open side of the sheet protector. (I did it 3 times! hahaa!) and then run 

one strip of tape onto the other 2 sides that are not going into the binder rings, just to reinforce the edges.

Let the Spying and Quiet Fun BEGIN!



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