Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Menu Plan Monday...errr Tuesday!

Did you know how easy it was to make popcorn in a brown paper bag?! I couldn't believe it myself when I had first wondered if it was possible. All you need is popcorn kernels, a paper bag and any toppings you would like!
Take 1/2 a cup of popcorn and pour it into the bag. Fold the bag over twice (NO STAPLES!) and crease with each fold. Put it in the microwave at POPCORN setting and you are all set!

We made ours with cinnamon sugar, but you could use butter or any number of spices, but the popcorn comes out soooooo light and fluffy that you wouldn't need to add anything at all!!

Now, on to our menu this week!
Monday: Lentil Soup and Biscuits
Tuesday: Steak Taco Bar with Chips & Guacamole
Wednesday: Pesto Shrimp over Angel Hair Pasta with a garden salad
Thursday: Christmas Program at School, out to dinner afterwards!
Friday: Burgers with Chips to celebrate the start of Christmas Break!
This is how I feel about my family!



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