Saturday, December 17, 2011

Delightful December day 10! New Park and 1st day of break!

Christmas break is officially here and we couldn't be happier! Why not start off our break with a visit to the new neighborhood park! This is a climbing park, which offers the BEST work out for mom and dad and burns off so much energy for children!! This climbing park also offers a couple of the standard park features like slides and some swings, but it is primarily geared towards things children can climb! (That's even the only way to get up to the slides!!). 

Our favorite features were the climbing rocks! They had them for all abilities and sizes, though that didn't help me out, since I got scared at the top of one mountain and had to have my husband help me down (okay he helped me get halfway down and then just picked up up!!! haha).

The 'helicopter' mom in me, had me terrified of all the climbing, but the kids had so much fun! They had races, challenges and even put together an obstacle course!

With 3 slides, this meant that all 3 kids could race! They started down low and got up to the top in any way they chose. Slid down fast and then back up again and back DOWN again, but NOT using the slides. The 2 boys chose the same way down! Mommy was of course scared, but there was Daddy cheering them on!LOL!

This spinning contraption had EVERYONE wanting to take a turn and having so much fun that no one could even stand up afterwards! I thought for sure someone was going to throw up, but needless to say they all just wanted more and more!
I did say EVERYBODY wanted a turn, right???

Our Princess was the one that really took to the rocks well! She had so much fun going up to the top and then trying to get back down again. Autumn got so confident that she even asked Daddy for a race to the top! All in all an awesome experience that had us all NOT wanting to leave, but the sunset and cold weather also had us glad to be close to home!
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