Thursday, October 22, 2009

Playing Favorites....

This Thursdays blog ring is all about the favorite item in our shop! With over 200 items to choose from, this was near impossible! So many of them I fall in love with when they are completed! We are a HUGE gaming family! Not video games so much as BOARD GAMES! You know, the old fashioned kind? We even have a family game night every week and have a blast playing! There are prizes (No laundry for the winner for a week! Loser does the Dishes 2 days in a row) & Laughs all night long. We even let the kids 'play', we teach them the game and usually they just move their pieces along the board whenever they feel and roll their own set of dice. It's a great way to brign the family together in the middle of a long or stressful week. That is why I chose my Trivial Pursuit Bracelet, it took quite some time to make, but it's truly a piece that is all about me. It's a great way to make a reminder of what's to come when I'm having a particularly bad day! It has also inspired it's own line of GAME NIGHT bracelets that I am slowly expanding as time allows!

To read about favorite items with the rest of the Eclectic Artisan Team, head on over to Indigo Orchid Designs!


pnkgeeni said...

Monopoly was a huge family game when I was a little kid. My brother always won though.

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