Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fitness Tuesday and GET LOST!!!

WOW! I'm up super early today! Why? Because I am in training for a new fitness bootcamp class I am thinking of signing up for! I am in the process of transforming my life with better eating habits and overhauling my entire familys eating habits. We have made an entire lifestyle change starting in October and we have not looked back! My husband weighs what he did in Highschool at 6ft1 and 185lbs!! He has lost 15 pounds and looks fantastic! I have lost an incredible 45 pounds and have surpassed what I weighed on my wedding day, I have 27 pounds to go and am hoping that this fitness bootcamp is just the thing!! It's Monday-Wed-Friday 5am - 6am. Since my husband leaves right after 6 for work, I figured I can 'practice' and see if this works for our schedule. I started today at 445am and hit the gym for an hour. I feel GREAT, Energized and Breakfast and Lunch for my husband are ready! I have breakfast ready to go for my kids when they wake up and their snacks for the day prepared. It's an amazing feeling to get up and feel like you are alone in the world. Stay safe everyone today in the area as it is SUPER SNOWY out there! I will keep you up to date on how I am doing with my goals so far, but I really am happy with the results I have seen to this point!

Now onto the highlight of TODAY!!! LOST IS BACK!! I cannot wait for tonite to begin!!!!!!


sassypackrat said...

Wow congrats! I so wish I could but happy to hear you are doing it!

pnkgeeni said...

CONGRATS! Keep on losing weight and with the healthy eating!

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