Friday, April 23, 2010

Featuring an Eart Artist

This Friday, I would like to take the time to Feature MaryTDesigns and her amazing beadwork! Please take a minute to step into this shop and see the passion that she has for what she does. Her work is so intricate, detailed and amazing!!

Here is some information in her own words:
I never considered that I would find my life's passion in beads, but I have. I love to work with beadweaving techniques the most, and I find myself lost in the design and execution of beadwoven pieces more often than not. I guess that this is consistent with other aspects of my life, since beadweaving requires patience and attention to detail - much like my "real" life.

In my "real" life, I am a wife, mother, and accountant (boring but organized). While I work a regular 40 hour week, I try to devote much of my off time designing and weaving. I can lose myself in beading for hours and sometimes find myself amazed at the time that has gone by! I am grateful that I have found this outlet that balances my life.


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