Tuesday, November 8, 2011

In My Purse...

I've previously shared about keeping a hole punch in my purse because of the fun things that can be done with it. I actually have an interesting pouch full of different things that work to keep 3 children entertained wherever we may be! That in itself is a post for another day! I will show you what my bag looks like when I turn it over and hope you will still be my friends!

Today, I share with you the little secret that is MASKING TAPE! For less than a dollar in most places, this inexpensive roll is such a gem to have on hand! We've put ours to use in many different and creative ways. Today the winds were howling and the rain was falling so I packed up the little guy, so snack and his travel box of cars. Our car headed to the library for some new books and old friends. After he picked his books, it was my turn to grab what I needed and all I had to do, was pull out my roll of tape and a new game was formed.

We created a city of roads, parking lots and buildings. Our very own blueprint was born and the little guy was having a ball. In no time he had attracted the attention of some other children and they were all travelling the roads with zeal. Try and throw some random things in your bag one day and watch as your kids get creative with what they have on hand!


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