Monday, November 14, 2011

Menu Plan Monday!

 After School Snacks are Always Healthy!

Monday came much to fast this week! This was one morning that I just wanted to curl right back under my blankets and stay there for another few hours. Lately, I've been feeling the stress of life catching up to me. You know as parents, we really want to DO IT ALL and no matter how much I try, I feel like I end up neglecting something. I then sit and go over my planners religiously and over think everything. I need to just take a minute and relax and realize that life will in fact still go on, even if something doesn't go by the book. Have you ever felt like that before? 
I love to unwind with fruit and tea at the end of the day
 Time to move on and talk about this week's menu. I'm at the end of a grocery run and am trying not to shop for anything, as we will spend most of next week on vacation. This is where it gets difficult, since I have to plan a menu with what is on hand and not just go and buy what I feel like making!
 On road trips, I like to pack an assortment of snacks!
Have you ever planned a menu based on what you find in your cabinets and pantry? That in itself is quite difficult, but then I add in the fact that I usually only buy what I need for a certain week and now it's an all out challenge! I pulled my step stool into the kitchen on Sunday and pulled out everything I could find on the shelves that would assist in making a week of delicious food!
Halloween Snack Mix!
 I still intend to stop at the store for fresh fruit, veggies and milk, as I buy these when I need them. I like my produce fresh and crisp and if I can manage to make it, I like it from the Farmers markets. This plan of action, usually has me purchasing fresh produce twice a week.
 Make cookie dough ahead of time and let kids add in their own concoctions to create a one-of-a-kind cookie!
Now it's time for the Menu!
Monday: Curry Chicken over Basmati Rice with Naan (dough is in the breadmaker!)
Tuesday: Spaghetti with Garden Salads
Wednesday: Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
Thursday: Meatloaf & Mashed Cauliflower Potatoes (50% cauliflower and 50% potatoes)
Friday: Baked Macaroni & Cheese (homemade) with Biscuits (from scratch)

We like to close out especially rough and long days with a hot chocolate bar and a movie. Sometimes it's the best way to all be together and not have to say a thing. We call these nights: Sweet Endings!


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