Friday, March 1, 2013

Around the House Friday...

It's Friday again and let me tell you, I NEED IT! I cannot believe that it is also the beginning of March! Is Spring around the corner? I have a lot of gardening and outdoor work that needs to be done, along with the fact that it's my Birthday Month! I LOVE MARCH!!!! 
Every now and then we still work on small decor for our Book Exchange party which will be happening this month! These mini books were so easy to make with halved book pages but they are also so colorful and fun! 
Our Sight Word Wall gets the most use during our school day! The little guy loves all the different activities I come up with and it's all a game to him, it's not school, it's FUN!!! Once you put one of these together, you won't regret it!

I use these colorful Flashkids Flashcards for everything we study. They are available for purchase at Barnes & Noble and are under $5.00! The price cannot be beat and for how eye catching they are, it's totally worth it.
Our home looks a lot like a library lately! This is because I NEVER EVER pass by a store closing sale. The last one I went to had these book/plate stands for .10 each!!! I picked up my fair share of them (and keep wishing I had just bought the case) and am loving the displays we put together. They hold up long forgotten books or even library books and I have them everywhere. As soon as I placed them around, I looked back and the kids were grabbing the books and sitting right there on the floor to read and browse and learn! AMAZING! 
A topless file box holds our daily curriculum in folders that are labeled by child and then per day of the week. Behind these are all the books that they need to get through the day. It makes it super easy for me to pull out what we are working on at that moment and set up each child in a matter of seconds.

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