Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Just Mommy N Me!

Hello Tuesday! Today has me chatting about the Mother/Child relationship. I aim to make this relationship one that they will treasure always. I am not looking to become their buddy, but someone that they can always come to. I want them to know that as a Mother, I make decisions that they will not always like, but they are always for the best. I want them to understand that though I may lose my temper, I always love them. I want my children to understand that even though I have 3 children, there is room in my heart for each of them. In 1 day, there are only so many hours that I can spend with each child as an individual, so I wanted to find ways in which we could always interact and if need be communicate without the rest of the world around.
After a posting from a reader that spoke of Mommy N Me notebooks, I knew this was just the thing. I quickly made up notebooks and explained their purpose on page 1. Each child gets a notebook in which we exchange notes or pictures or anything at all that may come up in the day. We take turns writing in it and when we are through with it, we put it on the receivers pillow. There are colorful pens and colored pencils that we use for just our notebooks. Every now and then Daddy will sneak in a note and it's always a random surprise for the kids and even for Mommy!  
1-on-1 dates are always fun for the kids. These make them feel special to have undivided attention from mom. Our dates usually take up about 3 hours time and can be anything at all that the child requests. Gabriel usually loves to go out for Ice Cream and then Go Karting, Miniature Golfing, Train Ride or the Science Museum.

Princess Autumn absolutely loves Mommy Time and it usually ends up with us getting Mani/Pedi's and going to a movie. Sometimes she mixes it up with a request for a Fancy Dinner out or reading books for hours while drinking tea at Barnes & Noble.

Roman is easy to please and always predictable! He loves sweets and chocolate milk and will often suggest a bakery. He likes to play in parks, no matter what the weather and then end our time together with a new matchbox car. The crazy thing is that he can find a matchbox car and often come up with the memory as to when he got it. It's pretty cool. 

How do you spend time with your kids?

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