Thursday, March 21, 2013

Inexpensive Fun for All!

Thursday? Yay, we are that much closer to the end of the week and I needed it. I needed it so bad that I doubled up on the work load yesterday in order to have the school day off today. We will take in a casual Science lesson on planting and a quick geography lesson in States & Capitols by way of a fun game but that is it. My heart and brain need a break. So, while it may not really be the weekend, today is a day of relaxing and taking it easy. A day to just reflect on all that is good in the world and not focus on the negative. Is it possible to just enter a bubble for today? Anyway, I am here today to show you that it's not always necessary to $pend, $pend, $pend, in order to make awesome fun happen at home with your kids. Time and simplicity is what really describe heaven to a child. Here are a few fun things that we have been up to this week.
Take some simple dot stickers and a marker and create a large Dot-to-Dot for your child! Don't have dot stickers? Use colorful highlighters to make dots and put the numbers inside the circles in black marker! It's simple and so fun for everyone!!  
Turn an old closet door into a dual play surface! We had some large track that came with a playset just lying around and never being used that my husband stapled onto an old door that we took down when we moved in. The other side remains flat for block building and lego play. Don't have road? Make your own! Black Electrical tape and a white marker are perfect for doing such a job and the best part is that it peels up to re-do it! 
Felt squares became a hop scotch game, that quickly transformed into a game of LAVA floor where you had to only hop on the squares. That quickly turned into an obstacle course. These little squares were so inexpensive (Michaels pack of felt with a 40% off coupon!) and have been the source of so much fun! 
Felt to the rescue!! After taking some of the many felt squares they have, the kids sat down with scissors and went to work creating. I love how things from around the home can turn into a source of such fun and imagination at work.
We spent some time reading in our classroom library and the fact of the matter is that no matter how old they get, sometimes a good picture book is exactly what we all need! Enjoy the day my friends and be sure to let every moment count!

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