Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Summer 2013 Bucket List with Linky!

It's that time of the year, you know, when Summer is on the brain and the excitement of what is to come stays on your mind. Every year, we do a Bucket list of things that we hope to accomplish that Summer, and 2013 is no different. Well, it's actually a little different! We are planning on keeping school going year round but will loosen our schedule a bit. 

We will take 1 or 2 days off a week as part of our "Summer Break", which is why some of the tasks on our list are rather simple, they allow us to still check things off on our school days as well. All of these museums and Zoo trips and the like are where we are members at or have recipricol membership due to our purchased ones so in reality we are making it a low $$ Summer. Summer is about the memories, not about the money spent. It's about the feelings we have, not about the things we buy. I want us to continue to grow closer as a family and to make memories with my children. 
Memories will cost you next to nothing to create. Your children only want you and your time, they will be happy with a pot of water on the back porch if it means that you will sit there next to them pretending that it is a gourmet soup that needs flowers and twigs and dirt to make it perfect! They will create lasting memories, even if all you do is freeze ice cubes with food coloring and little toys of theirs in them and then pop them into a bowl and let them chip away at them with play hammers or see who can melt them the fastest...memories are what the past is made up of, make yours count!
Make your memories count!!!

Do you have your bucket list ready yet???  Grab the button to put in your post & Link up below!!

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