Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sunday School Post #3

It's Sunday and I am very late in posting, for this I apologize! We havde had a busy day and last night was rough with my youngest having growing pains all night and up until 4:30. Now, let's get on with the post! Has anyone out there done the Love Dare? My husband and I plan on doing both the one for couples and parents as our challenge for Lent. It is definitely something that strengthens our bond as a couple and as parents, gotta love it! Read More HERE!
I created that worksheet on the left of the Our Father prayer, for our lapbook. Little did I know that as I was preparing other portions of the lapbook, that this would be fun in itself. My kids all know this prayer, but a friend asked us to make a lapbook for a fun learning resource for her and this is what we came up with. For just this game print out THESE TWO PAGES. Laminate the page with the words and just slip the other page of blocks into a page protector. Cut out each block of words and mix them up and now have your student try and put them in order.
Here is our lapbook! The cover is a coloring page, my daughter added a little heart that says Jesus Loves Me. Open it up and on the left hand side are trivia questions pertaining to the Our Father as well as prayer in general. In the file folder is an Our Father holy card and will soon be home to Vocabulary Cards, using words from the Our Father:
art, hallowed, will, tresspasses, temptation
In the middle is the sheet of blank squares and on the right hand side is an envelope with all the pieces in it. I also have a little sticker that says how many pieces should be in the envelope. It's a fairly simple design, but should be a great teaching tool for this awesome prayer. I have not decided what to put on the back side yet.
Do your kids get Magnifikid? This is a great magazine to help children follow along in mass and learn along the way, but not only that, we use it in our homeschool as well! Each child gets a magazine subscription and there is always excitement when it arrives. The first thing I do is grab the one for this coming week and place an AVERY removeable tab with writing space on the last page. This is where the children jot ONE line from the homily that stood out to them, we then discuss their line that evening as a family. It's amazing how different things stand out to everyone. I love this part of our Sundays! Next, I tuck in their offering envelope that I picked up from Family Christian.
My children must put their money away in 3 ways: Save, Spend & Church. They are free to divide it up as they wish and that is where the money for their offering comes from. They tuck them all away into one of their Veggietales bags. 
These magazines are a wealth of information and we absolutely love using them to prepare for Mass. On Monday we read the comic and then discuss the project it would like us to do throughout the week. We then read the letter from the editor as well, next we write down all the difficult words from the readings that they have highlighted onto the board and discuss their meanings. We leave these words up all week to discuss or use in conversation each day. On Tuesday, we read the spotlight of the week and go through the order of the Mass as we read the readings that we will hear on Sunday. On Wednesday we discuss the readings and psalm along with going over the difficult words again. Thursday brings us back to that week's project it had us do and we talk about all that we learned and or collected for that week and then do the activity page. On Friday, we read about the Saint that they have shared with us and once again go over the difficult words. Each day we say the morning prayer they have provided us with in class and every evening we pray the evening prayer together as a family before the children head to bed. Now they are prepared for Sunday mass and can listen attentively and know everything that is being read or said. 
Enjoy every minute my friends!

Find Links to my other Sunday School posts in my Little Catholic Homeschool post HERE
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