Today starts a long road of learning and education for my children. My little ones are off to Pre-K for their first full day without the parents. (we have had several meet the teacher days, Teachers at our house, Open House, See the classroom days) I am so darn nervous and sad at the same time. I can't help but hope that this begins the love for learning that I had. I can only pray that this road is filled with joy for them. I know it's only Preschool, but a love of learning is started early. It's best to get them on the right track at a young age. As my husband and I lay in bed last night we talked about remembering the day they were born, remembering them walking for the first time, talking, you know all the things parents flash back on when a big moment is about to happen. I found myself speechless for a bit as I just let those memories take me over. Where did the past 4 years go? As a stay at home parent, I strive to enrich their everyday lives and only hope that they enjoyed it as much as I did. It's going to be hard for me to let go today (In about 2 hours), but I know it's for the best. I have tears welling up now just thinking about and I know husband will shed a few of his own. Why do all the happy moments in life seem to be the ones that make us shed the most tears? Will I be able to take good photos or will I be too busy gripping my kids? Will we be the only parents there in tears and taking a dozen photos ? What if no one cries and it's just another day? So much thought and worry put into one little day! haha! If the start of Preschool has me in knots, I cano only imagine what College will do to me! Off my 2 oldest go into the world and all I can do is watch from the distance...
Aww. You won't be the only ones crying. *Giving you a big hug*
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