Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another Year Older? Wiser?

This weekend, we went to a Quicenera and had a blast, it was just what the relationship Doctor ordered, when we left our kids after the mass with grandma and headed to the reception alone. We noticed other parents with kids on their laps or on the dancefloor and while having fun, their significant others were cast aside. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. It was a bit nervewracking, as I NEVER and I mean NEVER leave my kids with anyone else! haha! I'm a SAHM and husband and I only go out 2xs a year for over 5 hours and leave the kids with my parents. Other than that it's usually just an hour or 2 dinner out. It was a nice break from our normal routine and by the 4th rum and coke, we didn't even talk about them every time we chatted! hahaha!!

Yesterday, I turned 30 and I've never felt better! I weigh less than I did on my wedding day, I happier than I have ever been and healthier too. Life is good and I'm fallin in love with my husband all over again. This is going to be a great year, I am going to make sure of that. I must remember that every negative experience should be turned into a lesson, and not let it get me down. Only we can control how we let others make us feel. With last year closing behind me, I am ready to embrace my 30s and truly make them the best ever. I spent too much of my 20s worried about something or other. Early 20s it was college and life, mid 20s I was planning a wedding, getting married and becoming a mommy. Finally in my late 20s,I was bust juggling motherhood and being a wife. I neglected alot, mainly myself and realized that I had to change. I put myself FIRST. A little make up, some nice shoes and getting out of jammies can make anyone feel like a supermodel! A happy wife and mother makes the kids and husband so much happier too! So here is to an awesome 30th year for me and the start of a newer, better me!


Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday Michelle! What an inspiring post! I hope you have a fabulous year, and I'm sure with your positive outlook that you will!
Becky :-) x

TheFrogBag said...

Happy birthday to you! I've found that my 30's so far have been far superior to my 20's in pretty much every way, so have a great decade!

Tina said...

Happy belated birthday! Hope you have a fabulous year with your loved ones :)

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