Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Let the Games Begin!

We had a party to celebrate the New Year! We made it a party that we would like to go to. One for both adults and children. Complete with Photo backdrop for everyone to take their photos. The party was an absolute blast, so much so that we missed the midnight ball drop!!! LOL!!! We offered space for many to spend the night and turned it into a slumber party for all the kids that stayed, with a full plate of events for the next day.

A continental breakfast was offered in the early morning for those that just needed to eat and run. This included Cereal, Oatmeal, Cookies, Granola, Fruit, Yogurt, Jello-O, Applesauce and boiled eggs.

When the masses awoke, plate after plate of pancakes and sausage were added to the buffet along with a variety of syrups. For drinks I had a coffee, milk and juice bar, Hot Chocolate bar & a Tea Bar as well!
Our Tea Bar was a favorite of the adults of course!

Let the GAMES BEGIN! We started with the traditional and so fun LIMBOOOOOOOoooooOOOOooooo!

The games began at 1 p.m. with a variety of games for all skills and ages. The idea was to just have fun, we even had small prizes to offer the winners. Knock down the cans proved to be more difficult than it looked, when we switched the ball to small bouncy balls instead of a large baseball! LOL!! We loved setting up the games and the kids all cheered about how easy they were and then we threw them for a loop!

Next up was Ring Toss, with the rings getting progressively smaller as they tossed!!

A simple game of get the ball in the bucket was made even more fun and challenging with a variety of shaped balls and different sizes of balls too.  
As my husband took over as the games maser, I laid out a snack bar for everyone to re-energize during game play. Granola Bars, goldfish, animal crackers, ritz crackers, chips & pretzels. Sparkling Lemonade topped the evening off with plastic champagne glasses!! The dinner bar looked very similar with the addition of baked Chicken Nuggets, Parmesan & Olive Olive Oil Potato Wedges along with a variety of dipping sauces and ketchup. We kept it simple and kid friendly. 
We ended the games with what remains the favorite and most exciting game. CHALLENGE: Snowman! The challenge was to wrap up your 'snowman' in toilet paper foot to neck and then tape on buttons, add gloves,hat & scarf and be the first team to finish! The kids had so much fun and much laughter was heard!
How did you ring in the new year?

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