Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Science Fun for Little Ones

Those of you that have been following me for quite awhile, know that my children LOVE Science! They enjoy learning, experimenting and having fun. My oldest was the first to ask for a Science Lab and husband and I had a BLAST putting it together for her! We have shared that one with you HERE. After many projects and fun times together, my middle son asked for a Lab of his own and it was time to start thinking of what we could do for him. His room is smaller and he has other interests as well that he wanted to keep in the room, so we had to downscale his lab but we knew it could be done! Here are the makings of LAB2. 

We started with storage for the larger molds and bottles of water, vinegar etc along with storage for his rags to keep the station clean. This simple crate was from a charity shop and nestled perfectly under a side table we purchased at IKEA. Now that we had the base and storage, it was time for the fun stuff!

A simple white board allows him to document his experiments and findings and the hooks hold tape for labeling, goggles for safety and tubing with funnels for anything he may come up with.

An inexpensive shelf holds his Science basics that allow all of his projects to come to life. A quick search of your laundry room and kitchen will stock even the most basic of labs.

A microscope and Science Starter Kit from Toys R Us helped give him some actual Science things to use and then we added the Periodic Table from our local teacher store. It was so simple to pull together and it has offered so much fun and excitement daily for our children! When I go to tidy up rooms in the morning, I always find a new experiment that they have started!

There is always so much more to add but for now they love it, we love it and there are things being created in both LAB1 & LAB2 every day!

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