Monday, March 23, 2015

In 34 Years...

In 34 Years...
I have learned that my heart has grown so much throughout the years, to near bursting with love for my husband and children.
In 34 Years...
I have learned that what other people think of you is nowhere near as important as what your children and YOU think of you.
In 34 Years...
I have learned that time moves too quickly to spend it sitting on a couch and staring, get out there and LIVE and DO!
In 34 Years...
 I have learned that my parents were always right, even if they went about it in crazy ways and I am glad that I took the time to let them know how blessed I am to have them.
In 34 Years...
I have learned that we all make mistakes and it is in correcting them that we learn the most.
In 34 Years...
I have learned that true love can only be found once you love yourself and accept yourself as you are.
In 34 Years...
I have learned that the unsanswered prayers in my life are the best things that have ever happened to me.
Today, on my 35th birthday I have learned that I am loved more than I ever knew or even suspected.
THEY WON!!!! Their diorama depicting The Pigeon from the book Don't Let The Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo willems (using Peeps), won first place!! My kids were so thrilled to see their trophy and first place ribbon and mom and dad could not be prouder!
I love how much they learned by working together and also by encouraging their friends to vote! 
Enjoy every minute my friends! My menu plan will post tomorrow!

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