Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Menu Planning, Game Playing, Contests and More...

Monday came and went without a glimpse of the computer for me and for that I have a lot of catching up to do! This is the latest menu planner I am using, I love the bright colors! Keeping everything organized helps so much with shopping but also with out schedule, there are days when we barely have an hour to get dinner on the table, eat and be out the door...these days are perfect for crock pot meals! On days that we have activities in the early afternoon, we may have to bring a brown bag lunch with us or snacks. Being able to visualize it all, helps me know if we need to prep anything the night before or defrost something. It doesn't take longer than 20 minutes to get it all down and ready, including checking out recipes and it saves me from doing a drive thru more than we should.
This past weekend we entered a family PEEPS diorama contest and had so much fun putting it all together! We worked on it Sunday evening after dinner and had many laughs as we read the book (Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus) and created our scene. It is now on display in the library for all to vote on, if you happen to pop into Cherry Valley Library, vote for us #5!
One thing I love to do is read, I am often found reading or with 2 books in my bag waiting to be read during any break at all. One way I am able to constantly pick up books, is that I keep a list of titles that friends refer to me or books that I head about on tv, read in a magazine or even through the Book Page magazine. I keep this list in my day planner, that I always have on me. I use the pages that are saved for contacts and address information and then I break it down by month. It helps me keep track of the books that I have read and what I still want to read!
Taking work ot the library is something we like to do often and keeps the kids from getting too bored in 1 environment. One thing they love to do, is to bring their history or 4H projects with them, this gives them a whole world of books to take a deeper look at the subjects they are studying. 
Game Day breaks up the monotony of book work and the kids are still learning! I absolutely love it and so do they! Today, we used our LEGO States & Capitals found HERE, along with our popsicle stick States & Capitals FOUND HERE, our Periodic Table of Elements flashcard game found HERE, and finally, we used our container of fake money dimes that I made to work on multiplying by 10s with my youngest. You don't have to make your own games to have fun, the shelves of toy stores have plenty of educational games that can be used for teaching puposes! This week, I will pull some off our shelves to share!
Enjoy every minute my friends!

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