Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Cuteness

So i'm slowly getting into the swing of things in my shop right now, it's been forever! I have listed new treasures and will be listing more throughout the day! Please keep an eye out and drop in!

On a lighter note, does anyone watch LOST? I swear the goal of the show is to LOSE it's viewers! I am getting sooo frustrated with the show, but well of course, I keep going back! I loooves me some Sayid of course! Last nights show was great, then Sun ends up in a DIFFERENT time zone than Jin, so there is no fabulous, romantic, sweet reunion. THEN Sawyer (oh wait Lefleur) sees Kate and there is this awesome, hot, steamy tension, but that's it. I definately wanted more. This time travel thing has me more than confused and I swear I am missing so much more than what we see on the surface. Husband and I have been watching the episode on the computer the next night just to see what else we may be missing. Not to mention Sayid had like 3 lines in the episode!! My number 2 man Mr. Hurley there had like 4 maybe, but they were classic as always! It's amazing how he can manage to make you laugh no matter how serious the event! I caught myself holding my breath so much this episode, I wish they would have just made it a movie so I would know what happens already! haha! Oh and the black smoke? Totally Dinosaurs ;) They are actually on the Jurassic Park island! Yup...totally.


Anonymous said...

heh, i watched the first series and a half, but then I went to uni. Didn't want to go back to watching it after I found out what happened to Charlie, sobs. Love Sayid too :)

missknits said...

OMG! lol i soooo was hooked watching last night, and yes will have to rewatch it online again this weekend! i liked how they used to show the previous weeks before the new episode - but dont anymore! It just keeps getting more interesting! and the end with ben and sun looking at that photo of the rest of their friends from 1977! how bizarre!!! wonder how that changed the future/present!ooo i want to watch the next episode now! lolinderit

pnkgeeni said...

I'm a few episodes behind you (I think). Just watched Series 5 Epi 5. I hate when the credits roll. I wish I could get the DVD's and just watch it all day!

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