Monday, March 16, 2009

A Public Service Announcement From Me!

Carol Stream Toys R Us Saturday, March 14th 2009Dunkin Donuts Cup.
Everywhere you go in public, will have a trash receptacle somewhere near by. If you insist on taking your drink, food, etc. into a store, there will be trash cans scattered throughout the store, park, arcade...At NO TIME EVER is it necessary to put your trash on a shelf at Target, Toys R Us, WalmartAt NO TIME EVER is it a complete emergency that you much leave your half eaten HAPPY MEAL in the fitting room at Ann taylor. (Cherry Vale Mall in Februay of 2009)At NO TIME EVER is it okay to leave your DIRTY DIAPER on the floor at ChuckECheeze because you are TOO LAZY to pick it up after you threw it towards the garbage can and it missed.(Batavia, IL January 2009)This is a repulsive behaviour that just seethes ignorance. Hold onto it a couple of extra steps until you find that trash. It's not that hard!


missknits said...

amen to this!! no excuse to litter! one of my big pet peeves. its just plain laziness, no excuse!

pnkgeeni said...

the only time i haven't put a coffee cup in a bin is when i've been VERY sick. I take plastic bottles to the recycling bins and put everything else in my bag until i find a bin. I'm starting to get annoyed when people litter. there are lots of bins around the city.

Vyeshi said...

Don't be a litterbug! Not only is it gross for other customers, the workers in retail don't get paid enough to clean up after you!

cabin + cub said...

i agree... it drives me nuts when you see garbage left in random places!

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